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Policy Generator

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FireChatbot Privacy Information

Introduction to FireChatbot

FireChatbot is an AI-powered chatbot designed to enhance user experience on our website by answering user questions, providing information, and guiding users through our content. It operates by referring to a knowledge base that contains information from all our website's pages.

How FireChatbot Operates

FireChatbot is designed to enhance user experience on our website by providing instant responses to inquiries through AI technology. It operates by analyzing user questions and page views to continuously improve its service.

Data Collection and Use

For each page view, FireChatbot records non-personal data, including the page visited, the referrer, and the geographical location based on IP address. This information is aggregated in the form of counters without creating user profiles, ensuring there is no capability to track or identify individuals across multiple pages.

When users interact with FireChatbot by asking questions, these interactions are stored as anonymized chats. These chats are analyzed to conduct sentiment analysis and generate chat summaries, helping to enhance user experience and chatbot effectiveness. No personal data is extracted or stored from these interactions beyond what is necessary for the operation of FireChatbot.

Compliance with Privacy Laws

Our implementation of FireChatbot is designed to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), UK GDPR, and relevant US privacy laws. Given that FireChatbot processes information without creating identifiable user profiles or tracking users across sessions, it operates without requiring explicit consent for the data it collects and analyzes. This approach is aligned with the principles of data minimization and privacy by design, as outlined in these regulations.

Your Rights and Choices

As a user, you have rights concerning your personal data, including the right to access, rectify, or erase any personal data we may hold. Since FireChatbot does not store identifiable personal data, these rights are maintained through our broader privacy practices and not specifically through FireChatbot's operation. For more information on your rights and how we protect your data, please refer to our full Privacy Policy.

Updates to Our Practices

We may update this section and our privacy practices from time to time to reflect changes in our operations or in response to legal requirements. We encourage users to review this section periodically for the latest information on our privacy practices.

No Credit Card

Start for free without entering your Credit Card information.

3 Month Trial

FireChatbot Nano, Pro and Ultra come with a 3 Month Free Trial.

All-in-one Pass

Access to AI models & Knowledge Base are included.

Make it Yours

Design every aspect of your Chatbot to fit it to your website.

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