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FireChatbot answers all customer inquiries precisely and directly.
GDPR compliant
Generate a Free
Chatbot in 5 Seconds
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User Message
Chatbot Message
Color Gradient
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Open Chatbot
Action Button
Initial FAQ
When you click the action button, a message with the text defined above will be sent, which will be answered by AI.
After adding a URL, the website is read and added to the knowledge store.
Your chatbot is automatically built based on your URL and is ready for use after 5 seconds.
Every time you update your website, your chatbot automatically updates with it.
Align your website even better with your target group by analyzing your users' chats.
FireChatbot is designed for anyone who wants to have a chatbot on their website without having to worry about the technical details.
Start with 1 line of code: Copy a line of code into your site's source code and you're good to go!
All-Inclusive Package: A FireChatbot account includes all services, no hidden costs!
Racial Cost reduction: Process automation saves you time and money on setup and maintenance.
Assistant: Answers automatically with AI.
Multimodal: Understands Audio, Images & Text.
Very fast: Generates up to 450 words / second.
References: Shows it's sources.
Privacy: 100% GDPR compliant.
Translator: Understands 110 languages out of the box.
FireChatbot measures page views, chatbot activations and interaction time based on pages and countries at any time scale.
These insights help you understand user behavior on your website.
FireChatbot generates summaries, sentiment analysis & suggestions based on user chats.
These insights give you a complete overview of what your users are interested in.
Customize: Use the FireChatbot Designer to customize your chatbot to your website in just a few clicks.
Generate Insights: FireChatbot Analytics provides information about customer behavior on your website.
Analyze Chats: Learn from your customers’ requests and tailor your content even more precisely to your target groups.
Generate Leads: Get in direct contact with your customers. FireChatbot automatically generates suggested answers for you.
FireChatbot offers a set of Pro AI Chatbot Features.
FireChatbot leverages advanced AI to provide accurate, contextually relevant responses, enhancing customer service and user experience.
Gain deep understanding of your customers' needs and behaviors through FireChatbot's advanced analytics.
FireChatbot's easy-to-use interface and robust architecture ensure hassle-free updates and maintenance.
FireChatbot integrates effortlessly with your website, providing instant AI-powered customer service without disrupting your existing workflow.
0 setup costs through automation
Number of included chatbot messages
Adaptability of the AI model behavior
Infinite storage for your Chatbot
Terms of Use included inside the Chatbot
Updates automatically with your Website
Quantitative Userdata from your Website
Qualitative Analysis of your users' chats
Host your own AI models
FireChatbot sets new standards in data protection, guaranteeing that your users' data is always secure and your chatbot is always compliant with all data protection guidelines, without any additional effort.
Location: All data collected by FireChatbot is held in Europe.
Personal data, such as contact details or images, are deleted with the help of AI.
Integrated terms of use guarantee EU GDPR compliance.
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